Post Seminary

If you have finished a first year seminary:

Maalot enables you to finish your B.A. in the most cost and time efficient manner possible without sacrificing the integrity of preparing well for your profession!  Maalot believes that a Jewish woman  is defined by her Torah values  no matter what profession or path she chooses in life. Maalot students are fully prepared for the rigors of a challenging graduate school without compromising their Torah values.

Maalot Yerushalayim or your local Maalot branch offer you many options to pursue your B.A. Maalot courses include core studies to complete general education requirements as well as pre-professional coursework in

Art and Design


Computer Programming



Speech Pathology

Sciences (Courses with labs for Nursing, Para-medical professions)

All Maalot courses, both in Limudie Kodesh as well as pre-professional courses are recommended for college credit by NCCRS. Click here to see our courses.

Your Maalot advisor will show you how our courses fit into a program plan toward graduation, maximizing your time, your talents, your financial means  in order to reach your goals.  Most of our students finish their degree in one year with minimum cost and maximum academic growth.


Maximum amount of credits for your seminary classes. Up to 45 credits a year.

Earn A Regionally
Accredited Degree

Maalot provides the pathway to a regionally accredited BA, the most widely accepted college degree.


Your transcript will include significant upper level credits, so necessary for a regionally accredited degree.


Option to earn 21 - 44 additional credits at extremely reduced rates:
3-credit exam only $25
16-credit Language exams only $75

Maalot Capstone

Jewish Studies Capstone on a topic that interests you, entirely through Maalot.
Your interest – Your values!

Best Value For Your Money

Maximum graduate-school opportunities and employment options at minimum costs.