Yeshiva Students

How can you maximize your time in the Bais Medrash?

Maalot’s partnership with your Yeshiva enables you to speed your way to your first degree – the BA – by earning most of the credit you need from your Bais Medrash studies. There are no external exams, no expensive test centers and no distractions. You can put all your energy into your Yeshiva Sedorim, connect with your Yeshiva’s Rebbeim, attend your Yeshiva’s shiurim and earn valuable credit in a manner which supports your Hashkafos.

Maalot believes that a Jew  is defined by his Torah values no matter what profession or path he chooses in life. Maalot yeshiva students have continued their pre-professional studies either in Maalot yeshiva centers in NY or through other options while maintaining these values and ideals. Maalot’s partnership with your yeshiva enables you to finish your B.A. in the most cost and time efficient manner possible.

Most Maalot students earn their degree through Thomas Edison or Excelsior College, however, other graduation options are available. Both Thomas Edison and Excelsior College accept most of the credits required for a BA from Maalot coursework.

The rest of your degree can be earned in a way that pinpoints your specific goals and abilities. Your Maalot advisor will guide you to finish your degree in a manner which is most suitable for your individual goals.

Maalot Yeshiva graduates have continued their graduate studies in professions such as business, law, accounting, Physicians Assistant and others.

All Maalot courses, both in Limudie Kodesh as well as pre-professional courses are recommended for college credit by NCCRS. Click here to view our courses.


Maalot students have graduated from many Yeshivas on the list below & more:

(Partial List)



Maalot Queens

Yeshiva at IDT

First Seder

Toras Halev



Institute for Jewish Values (Aderet Hatorah)

Toras Chaim

Bais Yisroel

Mikdash Melech

Ahavas Chaim

Tiferet Yerushalayim (TJ)

Nesivos Aharon

Ohr David

Tehillas Shlomo

Tiferet Zion

Noam Hatorah

Mishkan Yisroel

Your Maalot advisor will help you create a credit plan that will maximize your time, talents and financial options in order to reach your goals efficiently and be well prepared for your next step.


For more information or to join Maalot contact the Registrar in your yeshiva, contact us or Click Here.


Maximum amount of credits for your yeshiva classes. Up to 45 credits a year.

Earn A Regionally
Accredited Degree

Maalot provides the pathway to a regionally accredited BA, the most widely accepted college degree.


Your transcript will include significant upper level credits, so necessary for a regionally accredited degree.


Option to earn 21 - 44 additional credits,
16-credit Language exams.

Maalot Capstone

Jewish Studies Capstone on a topic that interests you, entirely through Maalot.
Your interest – Your values!

Best Value For Your Money

Maximum graduate-school opportunities and employment options at minimum costs.