Frequently Asked Questions

Is it important to earn credits now since I don’t know what I want to do after seminary or Yeshiva?

No one can be sure what they will be doing in a year from now. Having a degree will usually improve your chances of employment at a higher starting salary. Earning credits towards your degree while studying anyway is a wise decision.

 Will Limudey Kodesh credits count towards my degree?

A Bachelor’s degree requires 120 credits.  Some students can use 90 credits of Kodesh. Others, from 70 credits and more still leaving room for credits in your major and core requirements. You can use even more Limudei Kodesh in a Liberal Arts or Humanities degree.

 Can I start earning Maalot credits in high school?

Yes, you can earn Maalot credits while in 12th grade. Contact your principal to see if your high school is affiliated or how to join.

 How does the Maalot program work so quickly and effectively?

Maalot’s experienced registrars discuss your goals, your hopes and your personal options. They  guide you to take courses to increase your candidate standing for graduate school. You will be advised as to which exams could shorten your route to success without taking away from maximum preparation for your professional goals. This combination of expert advisement and concern for the integrity of your preparation for a profession makes for a shortened, yet solid route to your BA.

 What is NCCRS?

NCCRS stands for the National College Credit Recognition Service.  Since 1973, NCCRS (formerly National PONSI) has been evaluating training and education programs offered outside of the traditional college classroom setting and translating them into college credit equivalencies. NCCRS  is an arm of the New York State Education Department, NYSED.

In order to make its recommendations, NCCRS coordinates teams of college faculty evaluators and subject matter experts to conduct extensive reviews of education and training programs offered by corporations, unions, religious organizations and proprietary schools. NCCRS evaluates all of Maalot coursework on a regular basis and recommends Maalot courses for college credit. For more information go to:

Which colleges accept NCCRS/ Maalot credits?

Thomas Edison State University, Excelsior College, Charter Oak College and Empire State College accept all NCCRS credit recommendations.  Other colleges accept these credits as well. For more information, go to 

 Which graduate schools accept the BA earned through Maalot?

All graduate schools accept the BA you will earn through Maalot. It is up to you to make sure you have a good GRE score, GPA and a strong background or ability in the area you wish to study. For those who are interested in Business, Law, Accounting, your limudey kodesh studies will be a strong factor in acceptance to these graduate programs.  For those who wish to enter the medical or para-medical fields, you will need to complete the requirements listed for those programs. Maalot women’s institutions may provide all of the pre-requisites for further study in those fields. Maalot Yeshiva students will require supplementary courses specific to those fields. Maalot offers advisement as to which coursework you may have to complete.

In general, Maalot  shortens your time spent on the BA in order to enter your chosen profession more quickly, cost effectively and compatible with your Torah lifestyle without compromising on the quality of your preparation.

Is the BA earned through Maalot useful in England or Canada? Other countries?

Yes! England, Canada, Zurich

For the QTS, the BA is accepted.

It will save you at least one year of college in England.

In Switzerland, it will qualify you to enter the teacher’s  certificate.

In Australia, the BA is accepted for graduate programs.

 Are PEL, TAP or other Federal and State grants available to Maalot students?

Maalot Affiliated seminaries are eligible for PEL and TAP through the Excelsior, Touro, Maalot Baltimore study-abroad options. Maalot Baltimore is eligible for up to 6 years of PEL grants. Maalot yeshiva students are not eligible for Excelsior Study Abroad government grants at this point. Maalot Yeshiva students may be eligible for Title IV funding through Touro or TI. Check with your individual yeshiva for eligibility.

Does the GPA show up on the transcript issued by the degree granting college?

Maalot students who graduate through Thomas Edison will have grades and a GPA on their transcript. Other college transcripts are accompanied by a Maalot transcript which includes the GPA.

 Are SATs required to graduate with a BA?

Students earning their BA through Thomas Edison, Excelsior, and Charter Oak do not need SAT scores in order to graduate with a BA.

 If I earned credits in one Maalot yeshiva or seminary, can I transfer them to another branch?

Yes, All Maalot credits are stored in a central database.  Your credits do not need to be transferred.  When you wish to graduate, Maalot issues one transcript with all Maalot credits regardless  of which branch / branches you attended.

Be aware, however, that studying at one Maalot affiliated institution does not guarantee acceptance to another.

 Is a GED sufficient to earn Maalot credits?



Maximum amount of credits for your seminary or yeshiva classes. Up to 45 credits a year.

Earn A Regionally
Accredited Degree

Maalot provides the pathway to a regionally accredited BA, the most widely accepted college degree.


Your transcript will include significant upper level credits, so necessary for a regionally accredited degree.


Option to earn 21 - 44 additional credits at extremely reduced rates:
3-credit exam only $25
16-credit Language exams only $75

Maalot Capstone

Jewish Studies Capstone on a topic that interests you, entirely through Maalot.
Your interest – Your values!

Best Value For Your Money

Maximum graduate-school opportunities and employment options at minimum costs.